Your organization provides a service that is unique, effective, and deserves to be recognized…
We are a military family of a soldier currently in the Warrior Transition Battalion at Fort Belvoir, VA. My husband was medevaced from Afghanistan in August of 2012 and has endured months of intense hospitalization and treatment for injuries sustained in theater.
He currently suffers from severe PTSD, visual deficits, balance and motor disorders, cognitive impairments, muscular damage, and anxiety. He has been unable to work, volunteer, or intern even in a part-time situation. For the past several months his doctors, case managers, and the Occupational Therapists have been encouraging him to seek the resource of a service dog.
Last week he made his first trip into the civilian world as I brought him and a battle buddy to WCC’s Brookeville site. He was shaking all the way there and I did not expect him to be able to exit the car. Not only was he able to enter the building, but once the big dogs came out and sat with him he was able to stay for over an hour and be extremely responsive. I could not believe it. I really don’t know how to describe it. I’m sure you have seen it before, but for me, seeing my husband alive and responsive to anything was profound and gave me hope.
I am a passionate advocate of rehabilitative measures for wounded Warriors and your organization provides a service that is unique, effective, and deserves to be recognized for the strong assets it has to offer our nation’s Veterans.