Our Year in Numbers – 2019
Happy New Year! Before we get too far into 2020, I’d like to take a moment to celebrate Warrior Canine Connection’s achievements with you. Every year we experience growth and 2019 was no exception! We saw expansion in our programs, including reaching more Warriors through Mission Based Trauma Recovery sessions, breeding and even our own team.
This past year, WCC welcomed 9 litters of puppies and 50 new service dogs in training into our program. We provided 3,637 hours of MBTR programming and served 804 unique Service Members, Veterans and their families.
With the start of a new year and new decade, 2020 promises to be another year full of opportunities and exciting challenges. I know WCC will meet each day with determination and a commitment to serve more Veterans. Thank you for your continued support, dedication and another unforgettable year. You have helped us get to where we are, and we could not have accomplished what we did in 2019 without you.