Thank You, Volunteers!
This April, National Volunteer Month, we celebrate our tireless, dedicated volunteers for all they do to give back to the Veteran community. Volunteers are more than just helpers—they’re the backbone of Warrior Canine Connection. We simply couldn’t do all that we do without volunteers.
Here’s how WCC volunteers made a difference in 2022.
A total of 536 volunteers assisted WCC for a record-breaking total of 102,939 hours across our 15 program sites. That massive volunteer manpower accounts for a major cost savings to WCC, valued at $3,083,024.00 (based on $29.95 per hour)—all while serving 1,152 Veterans through 4,667 hours of animal-assisted therapy.
WCC is also proud to share that its volunteers received 148 Maryland Governor Citations and 101 Presidential Service Awards for their efforts.
Thanks to these remarkable volunteers, we accomplished all this work (and more) in 2022. Already more than a quarter into 2023, our amazing volunteers are on-track to top these amazing numbers this year.
Are you interested in volunteering for WCC? Check out our current opportunities here.